It feels so strange to talk about "his home" when it is so very far away from here. This will always be his home to me, I suppose, at least until he meets someone and starts a "home" of his own. But school is behind Son Number One for the moment, and the Real World Job starts on Monday. He will blow them away with his intelligence and his charm and his affability. Washington will be a great place for him to strut his stuff. I think he's a little nervous about the whole venture, but I predict that within a week he'll feel as though he's been there all his life.
I am so grateful to live in the age of cell phones and text messages and Face Book. It makes him feel nearer, and for a while I'm going to need that illusion. It's a new phase for all of us, and I need to figure out how my end of things works. I'm free to audition for more plays or take a class or (hah!) start an exercise program. It's a little scary for me, too. But we are both going to rock this. And I'm counting the days until Thanksgiving! But until then, go get 'em, Chief. It's a whole new day and the world needs what you have to give!